Welcome to RightForever

Welcome to my blog; a straight talking, Conservative blog, made for all ends of the political spectrum. Be sure to follow and comment on my posts. After all the blog's meant to provoke discussion and discuss the issues of today's political environment! And don't forget to vote in my poll which runs until election day 2010!

Monday, August 2, 2010

Welcome to RightForever

Hello everyone!!

I cannot explain how excited I am right now to be kicking off my political blog RightForever here on blogger.com. I have been debating whether or not I should write a blog for some time now, and figured that with the current political atmosphere in the USA, and election day looming; now was a better time than any to start up a blog.

This blog will come from a Conservative perspective and will be about political commentary, rather than political journalism. It will discuss primarily American politics, and may include (now and then) some Canadian content (after all I do live in Toronto, Ontario).

So, please invite everyone you know, no matter what end of the political spectrum they may be on. I'm sure that discussion on here will be lively, as I've been told I can be a pretty controversial and inflammatory personnality.

I hope you all enjoy.


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